Monday, June 23, 2014

A Ride in the Doctor Car

Saturday, June 21, 2014 & Sunday, June 22, 2014

What a night! I had pasta and veggies around 6:30. Let me rephrase that. I had pasta and deep fried veggies. Gross! When I saw seasonal vegetables on the menu, I had no clue they would be deep fried. I just can't escape the grease. Needless to say, by 10:00 I was a complete mess. I had a really high fever and I was super sick in the stomach. I called the translator and he called an ambulance. Or should I say, "Doctor Car."

That was my first experience in an ambulance. I was so scared. When I got to the ER, I thought I was in a scary movie. I was the only person in there and it was really, really dark and quiet. I was honestly waiting for a masked creature to jump out of the door behind me. They put me on the table, got my information, and pricked my finger for blood. It was really hard trying to communicate with them. Thank goodness for Yo. I had to take my Pepto Bismol with to the hospital because they had no idea what it was! Crazy!
When I got upstairs, they took me to a room on the 8th floor. Again, dark and quiet. Ah! They told me I needed to stay the night. Just imagine being in another country, alone, in a hospital. I was so scared! The nurse needed to do blood work and put an IV in my arm. She dug around looking for a vein for about 5 minutes. When I say dug, I mean dug. Ouch! I asked her to switch to the other arm. Finally, she was able to find a vein. I was sweating so bad from the pain. By this point, they were lucky I didn't jump out of the window.
Once they got the results back, I had to get a CT Scan. They had to inject a special dye, called contrast, into my veins. It made my whole body hot. Not a fun feeling since I was already sweating.
They found an infection and I had food poisoning. They wanted me to stay 3 days, but the 1 night was enough for me! I wanted to get the heck out of there. As you can see, their hospital rooms are so different from the States. 

Everyone said being here would be such a great experience. I guess seeing what it's like in a Japanese hospital is a great experience, too! Not!
When I left the hospital the next day, I had some yogurt and Jello and slept the day away! Luckily, Zach was back home at night. I missed his handsome face!

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