Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Monday, June 16, 2014

In the wee hours of the morning I felt my bed shake and I thought I was dreaming. About 10 minutes later, the entire hotel shook and Zach and I jumped out of bed. We had no idea what was going on and we were scared. I quick texted my Mom and went on Google and sure enough we experienced our first earthquake. The sign on the building next to us is now hanging on by a thread.

Thankfully, there wasn't any damage outside and people just went about their normal business. Zach and I couldn't fall back to sleep and we were ready for breakfast by 5:00, but of course the buffet didn't open until 7:00. I was hoping this buffet would offer more than the last one. I was wrong. It was worse. Another day of rice. I used to love white rice, now I am beginning to hate it. Zach decided to have a salad. He was really missing those chicken nuggets from yesterday.

We headed straight to Starbucks. Luckily, there is one at the corner of our street. I had a Caramel Macchiato and Zach had an Iced Chai and a scone. We hung out for a little while and watched all of the people walk to work in their business suits. We even saw two little kids walking to school. Japan is really safe, which is great for a scaredy cat like me. 

Zach had to get a physical and blood work at the hospital at 11:30, which meant he couldn't eat anything after 8:00. I was starving at 10:45 (duh) so we walked to Subway. Unfortunately, they didn't accept credit cards. I had $15 in American money so we decided to go to the bank to exchange it for Yen. By this point it was 11:20 and Zach had to get back to the hotel to meet up with Yo. As much as he didn't want to, he had to leave me. I was in a Japanese bank, alone, blocks away from the hotel. I managed to get the Yen and I walked to Subway. Once again I just pointed and smiled. I like my sandwich pretty plain so it wasn't hard to order. Ok, drink and chips and I was ready to go. Chips? Where the heck are the chips? They only had potatoes, aka French Fries. French Fries at Subway? What would Jared think of that? Me on the other hand, I was loving it. I got my sandwich, cola, and potatoes. Off I went back to the hotel. The sandwich in the picture may look like a Subway sandwich from the States, but it was about the size of a hot dog bun. No joke. I guess I am ordering a footlong next time. That sounds terrible. 

When Zach got home from the field, it was time for dinner. It was the first time going without the interpreter. What do you think we got? Italian! Zach had a pizza and I had pasta... again. Japan is very different from the States. You do not tip the waiter/waitress. They do not have diet soda, but they have iced coffee at every restaurant. 
After dinner we went to walk around the indoor shopping mall. I don't even know why we bothered to look, we weren't fitting in anything. I did, however, find a pair of shoes. I wear a Large here. 

To my girl friends back home... Why do we not wear socks with our heels? Almost every girl here in Japan wears heels and socks. I bet their feet never hurt. I am bringing this fashion statement back home. Who's with me? 
After dinner, we walked around the arcade. The arcade here is a bunch of little shops and food stands about a mile long. Zach wanted to go into ADIDAS to find a shirt to wear under his jersey. It took a while, but he found one that fit him. As we were paying, they asked us why we were in Japan. Zach told them he was playing baseball for the Eagles and you would have thought David Beckham just walked into that soccer store. They couldn't believe it. I just stepped back and took it all in. I am pretty sure Zach needs to get used to that.  
Back to the hotel we went and we were in bed by 9:00. The 13 hour time change isn't easy to get used to. 

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